Enter BETA 2025 Calendar Competition

BETA Equestrian Calendar Competition 2025

Enter this year’s BETA Equestrian Calendar Competition and your photo might just be one of the lucky 12 chosen. From all the winning entries, one image will be judged Best in Show and the successful entrant will receive a luxury hamper. See how to enter the competition and check out the T&Cs.

BETA Equestrian Calendar Competition

1.    The competition will see 12 images chosen, each selected by the judges to represent a different month of the year. The entrant submitting the image judged Best in Show will win a luxury hamper.

2. All photographs must have been taken by the entrant, who must not be a professional photographer, ie one who makes a living from selling their images. Photographs belonging to a third party should not be submitted. It is important that all images have been taken by you. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in disqualification.

4. Photographs must be supplied in a digital format with a minimum size of 150 x 115mm (1,722 x 1,358px), 300 dpi, or at least 2MB, and must not be subject to copyright.

Landscape format is better for our calendar than portrait format.

5. Entries should be equestrian-themed.

6. Images should be emailed to info@beta-uk.org

Please include the entrant’s name, age, address and a description of what is depicted.

7. Deadline for entries is 17 September 2024.

8. The winner will be notified by email as soon as a decision has been made.

9: Entrants of photographs selected for inclusion in the calendar will be notified by email as soon as a decision has been made.

10. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

11. There is no alternative (including cash) to the prize offered.

12. The entrant gives BETA the permission to publish the photographs in the printed version of the calendar and to use the digital images on BETA’S social media, and other media, as well as other imaging, documentation and items associated with BETA.

13. Entrants will also be given the opportunity for their image and details to be passed to the National Equine Forum for the NEF25 Programme Cover Image Competition-for more details visit NEF website >>>