Equine and Pet Health
This committee deals with items relating to the Veterinary Medicines’ Act and other issues concerning the health of horses. It is responsible for the running of Training Courses to train “Suitably qualified persons” under the guidance of the Council and was the driving force behind getting ‘wormers’ back onto saddlery retail shelves.
Its Terms of Reference are:
- To protect the advantages to the equestrian retail trade incorporated in the Veterinary Medicines Act and other legislation which allow them to sell worming products.
- To negotiate further concessions for the sale of other medicinal products when the opportunity arises.
- To negotiate on behalf of the trade with the VMD, AMTRA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society on matters relating to the fee structure and administrative requirements of the legislation.
- Ensure the highest possible standards of training to ensure that retailers meet all legal requirements and that this training is widely available at a reasonable cost.
- To protect BETA’s identity and interests within the wider framework of the agricultural industry.
- To monitor the effects of European legislation on the current distribution arrangements in the UK and to defend and protect these arrangements.