

Set up to deal with all matters affecting the equine feed industry including ethics, labelling, European legislation changes and training. It was the driving force behind the development of an industry code of practice for the marketing and promotion of equine feed and is now running the independently audited code of practice for reducing the risk of naturally occurring prohibited substances (NOPS) in feed. In 2016 it launched the new feed assurance mark for feed suitable for horses prone to gastric ulcers.  It has representatives from manufacturers of compound, complementary and herbal feeding stuffs on the committee.

Its Terms of Reference are:

  • To administer a Code of best practice for feed and supplement manufacturers, suppliers and retailers.
  • To monitor performance, and on the recommendation of the Secretariat take disciplinary action. This may include a recommendation to Council that membership of BETA be withdrawn for a specified period.
  • To form positive relationships with other relevant outside organisations and agencies through the Secretariat and to represent BETA on relevant committees.
  • Through the Secretariat to communicate the Code and other activities, where relevant, to the trade, the riding public and outside agencies.
  • To consider other feed related matters including legislation and industry policy on relevant matters and where necessary take appropriate action through the Secretariat.

Feed committee membership currently comprises of the following companies and individuals:

Chairman: Ruth Bishop (Premier Nutrition)

Chris Gordon (Dodson & Horrell)
Clare Barfoot (Mars Horsecare UK)
Kate Hore (NAF)
Louise Jones (Connollys Red Mills)
Jonathan Nelson (Protexin Veterinary)
Alana White (Provimi/ Cargill)
Katie Williams (Dengie Crops)