Feed Safety


Reducing the Risk of Disqualification from Naturally Occurring Prohibited Substances in Feed.

The highly successful NOPS scheme, set up in 2009 to help reduce the risk of naturally occurring prohibited substances in equine feed, is now a stand-alone code, run solely by the British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA), it no longer exists as an appendix to the UFAS and FEMAS codes.

This move has seen the BETA NOPS Code continue to grow and develop its international presence. As part of what has been a substantial review, the code’s list of naturally occurring substances has been amended, with the removal of hordenine and the introduction of a list of herbal NOPS.

Companies wishing to be audited to the BETA NOPS Code now have a wider range of pre-qualifying Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) -based schemes to choose from allowing a wider range of companies to join and giving the scheme the flexibility to cater to applications from company based overseas.

Once accepted, members can feature the BETA NOPS Code logo on product packaging to reassure owners, trainers and riders of the stringent quality management procedures that have been set in place. The scheme is a company scheme so the assumption is that all products placed on the market by a scheme member will be NOPS compliant.

Participating Companies

To check if the company is NOPS certified please use link below

NOPS webchecker >>>

NOPS – what are they and where do they come from?

The definition of a prohibited substance is “any substance that can exert an effect on a horse” which is a broad, all encompassing definition. A naturally occurring prohibited substance (or NOPS) is one that is either naturally present within certain ingredients or that occurs as a result of inadvertent cross contamination during processing before arriving at the feed manufacturer’s facility.

The main NOPS and their sources are:

  • Caffeine – (cacao)
  • Theobromine – (cacao)
  • Theophylline – (tea)
  • Morphine – (opium poppy, Papaver somniferum)
  • Hyoscine –  (nightshade, Datura)
  • Atropine – (nightshade – Atropa belladonna)
  • Cannabinoids – (Hemp fibre and plant material)

Historically the principal risk has come from caffeine, theobromine and more recently morphine (coinciding with the cultivation of morphine poppies in UK). With the cessation of the cultivation of poppies in the UK from this year the risk from this type of contamination should reduce in the longer term. In addition more recently hyoscine and atropine have occurred more frequently as a result of certain weeds containing these substances naturally, starting to occur more frequently in certain crops used as ingredients in horse feed.

The list of herbal NOPS was introduced in 2016 following tracking of analytical results in raw materials since the scheme began. These are substances either naturally present in certain herbs that could lead to a positive test in competition, or are substances that originate from weed seeds contaminating herbal supplies. Testing for these substances should be done on a risk assessed basis and for many companies will be of little or no concern.

High Priority

Substance – Typical Source – FEI status

  • Cathinone/Cathine – Khat – Banned
  • Digitoxin – Foxglove (Digitalis sp) – Banned
  • Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine – Ephedra sp. – Banned
  • Reserpine – Indian snakeroot, Devil’s Pepper; (Rauvolfia sp.) – Banned
  • Synephrine – “Bitter” orange cultivars (Citrus sp.) – Banned                                            

Low Priority

Substance – Typical Source – FEI status

  • Harpagosides – Devil’s Claw – Controlled
  • Salicylic acid – Willow bank, Meadow Sweet – Controlled
  • Valerenic acid – Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis) – Controlled
  • Yohimbine – Yohimbe tree (Rauvolfia sp.) – Controlled

The substances listed on the high priority herbal list are not permitted in equine feed or supplements.  The substances included in the low priority list are permitted however are limited to horses NOT competing and inclusion of raw materials that may naturally contain these substances must be highlighted on product packaging together with an indication of a withdrawal period.  The NOPS logo may NOT be shown on products intentionally containing these raw materials.

The British Horseracing Authority’s Rules of Racing and International FEI rules for competition state a no threshold policy for naturally occurring substances that could affect performance, with the exception of theobromine.  Whilst the risks of such an occurrence are low, the consequences can be disastrous with loss of prize money, value, earnings, prestige, owners, trainers, riders, feed/supplement manufacturers and team placings.

BETA NOPS Assurance Schemes

The BETA NOPS Code calls for every one of its members to evaluate the risk of NOPS contamination during each step of the manufacturing process, from field to feed sack. This includes the sourcing, storage, transport and actual processing. Suppliers of raw materials are audited on a regular basis and staff undergo rigorous training.

Suppliers of raw materials will be regularly audited and staff will also undergo rigorous training to ensure strict adherence to the Code.

The code, which most of the UK’s major feed manufacturers have agreed to comply with, is endorsed by the British Horseracing Authority and National Trainers Association. The British Equestrian Federation requires all squad members to use only NOPS accredited products.

The FEI introduced another category of prohibited substances with their  “specified substances” list in 2016. This Specified Substances approach allows the FEI and/or the FEI Tribunal more flexibility when prosecuting a case or when deciding on sanctions.  Specified Substances are not necessarily less serious agents than other Prohibited Substances, and nor do they relieve the Personal Responsible (PR) of the strict liability rule that makes them responsible for all substances that enter a Horse’s system. However, there is a greater likelihood that these substances could be susceptible to a credible non-doping explanation.

For companies interested in joining the BETA NOPS Scheme an application form and further information can be downloaded here


BETA NOPS Code Application Form

BETA NOPS Code Application Form

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BETA NOPS Bedding Code Application Form

BETA NOPS Bedding Code Application Form

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BETA NOPS T's and C's for Liability Limitation (PDF)

BETA NOPS T's and C's for Liability Limitation (PDF)

Send download link to:

Any company making claims relating to NOPS must be a member of the scheme as the scheme involves more than purely auditing to the NOPS code.  Having product made in a NOPS accredited manufacturing plant does NOT mean that the company marketing the product is NOPS accredited.

Any company making claims relating to NOPS must be a member of the scheme as the scheme involves more than purely auditing to the NOPS code.  Having product made in a NOPS accredited manufacturing plant does NOT mean that the company marketing the product is NOPS accredited.

To download the BETA Guide to Avoiding Prohibited Substances click here:

Prohibited Substances Guide

Prohibited Substances Guide

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BETA Feed Assurance Mark for equines prone to Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS)

A new feed approval mark has been developed by the British Equestrian Trade Association – in consultation with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate – to help owners identify feeds suitable for horses and ponies prone to equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS).

To find out more about the new feed assurance mark click here.

Full details of the fee schedule and application process are available from the BETA office, telephone 01937 587062 or email agy@beta-uk.org

Click here for the EGUS leaflet, insertposter and application form.


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