

Worm, Flea & Tick SQPs

Animal medicines fall into different categories which determine how they can be sold and supplied. Some can be sold anywhere, some from registered premises, and some need a prescription from a veterinary surgeon. All horse wormers, and many flea and tick treatments, can be sold at Registered Premises under the supervision of Suitably Qualified Persons (SQPs/RAMA’s).

BETA Medicines Training

It is thanks to a BETA campaign in the 1980s that equestrian retailers, and now pet stores, can sell wormers and other medicines. Over the years BETA has trained well over 4,000 SQP’s for the equine and companion animal market. Today, BETA undertakes training for equine, companion animal, and avian medicines.

SQP training leads to a national qualification awarded by Harper Adams University. It is a modular programme. All students must take the ‘Base’ module, covering an introduction to the industry, law, body systems and diseases. There are then the species modules, equine, companion animal, etc.

Getting Trained

The first step is to enrol as a student with the Animal Medicines’ Training Regulatory Authority (AMTRA) and receive various information, the manual covering your modules, and the examination fee. Most trainees go for the base, equine and companion animal, aiming at an E-SQP. (The cost of the manual and registration is around £449, depending on the modules). YOU MUST BOOK YOUR EXAM DIRECT WITH AMTRA BY THE DEADLINE SET ON THEIR WEBSITE IN ADVANCE OF THE EXAM.

The names of all qualified persons are added to the AMTRA professional register and there is a requirement for SQPs to keep up to date. This is by undertaking recognised CPD (Continuing Professional Development) through quizzes, webinars, or attending special days. This averages as a little over half a day per year.


The equine and companion animal training course is run as a 2 day programme via zoom, or it can be taken at a time to suit via our online training platform Equitoolz.

We are not currently offering this course in 2024. Please keep an eye out for details in 2025…

(Note – BETA do not train the Farm Animal Module; contact AMTRA for advice).

The avian module is an additional option, for those wanting to sell to smaller hen keepers. It can be taken as a stand alone module course. Email info@beta-uk.org for further information.

CPD for SQP’s

Every two years BETA has a CPD programme designed with the commercial retailer in mind. The general day (equine and companion animal) covers a wide range of topics and includes and update session from the VMD on changes to inspection reports and prescribing and recording for horses, as well as a session on lymes disease. The day is worth 48 points.

Avian – this is a day long module worth 41 points. This can be done as a stand alone CPD day, or delegates can attend the day and then go on to sit the exam to gain qualification as an ‘A-SQP’ on top of their existing qualification (exam on a seperate day). Exam dates are available from AMTRA.

(Full days worth 48 points, half days 24 points)

We are not currently offering this course, more details to follow in 2025…

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